The Question: Should Jen have been the one to go home this episode for her bland bacon and egg dish?

Or: Should Tre have gone home for making a sauce that over-reduced into a salty mess that one judge said ruined the entire dish but more importantly that he knew had issues but didn't attempt to correct?

Or: Should Antonia or Tiffany have been knife packing for failing to cook eggs to something other than almost raw, also knowing they were serving severely undercooked eggs to everyone but the judges?

Or: Should Jamie have fallen on her knife (in a way that requires more than two stitches) and volunteered to go for having left the show for a Emergency Room Break and for not really cooking a dish at all?

So which is it my little Top Chef Crack Monkeys, time for you to be the judge.
Or Tre.
But really Jamie.
Having seen chefs be eliminated for making just a salad I have to say Jamie's non-elimination was confusing.
Yah. I mean, really. Phhht.
The improperly cooked eggs was the worst crime. Their knives should have been packed.
Apparently admitting your mistakes, no matter how bad, is better than defending your dish.
Undercooked eggs is not a good thing.
Undercooked eggs bother me less than undercooked bacon, which bothers me less than someone who didn't cook anything at all.
So, even though I fell a little bit in love with her for her comment about children: Jamie.
yeah...what was up with that?
How many elimination challenges left? If there are 9 or fewer, Jamie could have this thing well in hand!
Dang, did not think about that Melissa. Maybe she wins immunity once or twice.
Captain Obvious thought Tre was going home for sure, but Jamie should have been next in line.
Any one of them should have gone home before Jen. Jamie really should have gone home for her not cooking. I keep rubber gloves in my kitchen for just such emergencies. The Mrs and the kids don't want to hear dinner's cancelled becauses I cut myself.
That's what mouthing off to Tom will get you.
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