That was the easy award to give out. Choosing the most full of themselves from the remaining chefs was a little more difficult. How can you not think of Fabio and his smoldering Italian outrage erupting to the point of inviting judge Anthony Bourdain to step out back in the alley to demonstrate his anger issues.

Then there was Richard Blaise, self proclaimed winner of Season 3. With that thought burning brightly in his frontal lobe, he then decides that the rules are for everyone else and certainly not for the self proclaimed winner of Season 3.
Timers and rules are for Suckers! Of course it could have cost you the $10,000 prize for the challenge. Chump change, right?

However there is a reason why they have large double doors leading into the Top Chef Kitchen. They need plenty of clearance to allow Jennifer Carroll's head to wedge it's way through.

I was a huge fan of Jen during her season, I thought she was going to take the whole thing however she failed to crack the top three. That hasn't stopped her from talking a mighty big game.

I was a huge fan of Jen during her season, I thought she was going to take the whole thing however she failed to crack the top three. That hasn't stopped her from talking a mighty big game.
"My season was the most intimidating because of me"
Backing up the talk with your cooking skills would help but when your duck in your duck dish goes MIA, intimidating you are not. So we award Jen Carroll our first ever "I Am The Shit" Award for outrageous pomposity.

That made me LOL..Love it Can I post it to the board?? Miss you muchly!!!Kristy<3
Post away darlin'. Glad to see you pop up.
OMG!!!! At first I thought you made that I am the shit thing. hahahahaha
Oh this is going to be a good season. Oh yeah. Ohhhhhh yeah.
Good call on the Jen win, there, I would have given that to Elia but I think I'll concede your Jen pick.
Welcome back TC and gooo Shamy!
I have a feeling humble pie might be on the menu a lot this season!
They do think quite highly of themselves.
bwahahah to Moi's comment.
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