Because we viewers can't taste, touch or smell the dishes, we have to trust the judges when it comes to rating the dishes. However we can see the dishes and that's not always a good thing. So we've decided to run a season long contest for the Why Yes, That is Crap on a Plate Award (shout out to Chef Carlos). Each episode, we'll nominate the ugliest dishes and then let you vote. The one with the most votes moves up to the Semi-Final round and then we'll have a season's end vote for the overall ugliest. Let the voting begin!

Woohooo, love this!!!!!! Let the voting begin!
Yeah, I like this contest. I voted but it wasn't easy.
Let's hope Buzz, we won't have the same problem every episode. But dang, really that hot dog mess. Dang.
Most excellent idea! Wow, tough for me to choose, too. I nearly went with the eyeball dish, but then I smacked myself. The eyeballs are creepy, but that hot dog? That's dooky on a platter, right there. Yew.
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