Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Devil in the Diaper

My goodness, I didn't know Pampers was pimping the last Quickfire. How else to explain the big whiny crybabies that emerged from our TV screen? What had their Pampers in twisted wad?The fact that Robin won the Angel vs Devil Quickfire with her Apple Fennel Salad vs Apple Crisp. The reason she made those two dishes was because she's a cancer survivor and eating healthy is very important to staying healthy. But like most of us, we always crave the things we can't have, so the apple crisp was her devil. The explanation made sense and was personal, her dish was simple and tasted good. Chef Michelle Bernstein enjoyed the simple flavors and execution enough to give her the win and immunity. That's all.

Not Quite.

Because she beat out Eli for the Quickfire win, Eli went all Douchbag in one of his one on one interviews. This is the quote. "That's a pretty good way to win a Quickfire, tell people you have f___ing cancer. When I had cancer I ate this and when I didn't I could eat this. Like...oh...ok. I mean weak." No dude, what's weak is your whining. How insulting. Not only to someone who is just happy to be ALIVE but also to the guest judge that you think the reason she chose Robin was ONLY because she was a cancer survivor. Brilliant. So we hereby nominate Eli for our first ever Whiny the Poo Award for General Cluelessness and Downright Douchbaggery. I think he's earned it. Now please, will someone change him out of the load he dropped in his Pampers?


MakingSpace said...

Oh, Sham. You used my beloved Fuzzi Bunz cloth diapers in your photochopping. Tsk. Pampers would have been more appropriate, junk diapers for junk from a nasty person. Humph. Fuzzi Bunz are the Diapers Of The Domestic Goddesses (yes, shut up, I used to be one).

What a nasty nasty thing that man said. Blech.

Dani said...

He's lucky that he didn't get the **** beat out of him.

Big Shamu said...

Thank you MS. I wasn't sure before but now I know that MS stands for the Martha Stewart of Diapers. It was pretty nasty wasn't it?

Dani,while it bothered me a lot, Robin seemed pretty happy just to have the win. I also don't think we've heard the end of it. I hope we have but Eli doesn't seem one to let it go.

LaDivaCucina said...

I'm glad you posted this Shamu cuz I myself thought it to be very unsportsmanlike and nasty too.

LaDivaCucina said...

PS: I'm glad the big, mumbling Haitian went home. To me, he seemed completely "lost" the entire time he was on.

Big Shamu said...

I love the whole concept of "Who Deserves to be Here" that Mike I and Eli seem to be pushing. I didn't know those two babies were on the production team. It's not like those do are exactly racking up the Quickfire and Elimination wins.

Buzz Kill said...

I'm with Dani on this. I think Robin could (and should) kick the crap out of Eli. That was her story and her life. She shouldn't tell it? ELi needs to ask himself, "How mnay chefs aren't here competing against my whinny, bitch ass because they're dead?"
A good chef brings their life experience into their cooking - and what doesn't kill you makes you better.

Big Shamu said...

Maybe he just needs a really big pacifier?

moi said...

I also felt for Robin when everyone came out wearing a red neck kerchief in sympathy with Tintin – and her neck was noticeably bare. How tacky of the other contestants.

Big Shamu said...

Yeah if I hadn't seen it I would have thought we were watching grade school girls. What a bunch of crybabies.

Jenny said...

Is this a cooking show or a show about big dumb egos? Buzz Kill said it best; "A good chef brings their life experience into their cooking - and what doesn't kill you makes you better."

I believe cooking is art and therefore the energy comes from within.

Susan said...

Hey ! I'm up with My DSS chili sauce.
I'll check back later ...