When someone asks if you want a share of a 30 lb bag of New Mexican Big Jim chiles you jump up and down and say "Yes Please!!!". That's just what recently happened when Moi of
Bite the Apple graciously offered to share her plentiful peppers. I thought it would be fun to make Chiles the Dim Sum Sunday ingredient. If you'd like to enjoy some peppers of your own check out the
New Mexican Connection to get your own Big Jims. Alternative method? Send a pair of red patent leather Christian Louboutins to Moi and you too can ride the chile pepper pipeline.
Come back this Sunday and show us your hot, your spicy, yes, show us the Chiles. Bonus points if you cook your dish in a pair of Louboutins.
Dang! I just posted a chile pepper recipe last night!
How hot are the chiles you're getting?
Bwahahahahaha! You're hysterical, Shamu! I can't wait to see what you do with the chiles – and to see if I get any shoes in return. Hell, I'll accept Manolos and Jimmy Choos, too.
La Diva: Muy caliente.
Moi I had to find some way to make up for dragging you away from the Seattle Nordstroms.
La Diva, I am a hot spice wimp. I chopped some up into some scramble eggs and must of missed some seeds because I was running for the Milk Gargle. Still they are pretty tasty.
Sham, please wear gloves when using these!! I didn't the other day and my hands burned all day and that was from skinning poblanos!
I find that if I make a hot sauce with the chile with salt and vinegar, I can take the heat more. I roast the chilies and de-seed (depending on how little or big they are) and then puree with vinegar and a lot of salt.
Okay, I went to the library and got a ton of books. Let the cooking fun begin!
Unfortunately, the one thing that REALLY kills the heat is a shot o'tequila. Outside of that, plain yogurt works well, too. Sorry they're so hot. I'm not sure how producers determine mild, medium, or hot, but it seems to me, each is a crap shoot. Last year, my hot bag was wimpy wimpy wimpy and two years ago the medium could sizzle the skin off your tongue.
Remind me to send you some red, along with my recipe for the sauce, when the chiles start to turn.
Moi your mild might be my super hot. Really I'm wimpy when it comes to the heat.
I hope Moi shares her recipes! Hey! Did someone say TEQULA?!!!
Suddenly I hear an alto saxaphone.
Chile peppers or any peppers?
Sweet, Dani's in. Troll, I'm pretty much under the impression that my Dim Sum themes are merely suggestions to stimulate our little crock of cooks imaginations. We're pretty loose with the rules. Actually make a dish, take a picture, post it on your blog, come back here and tell us so we can visit everyone's dish. It's not a competition, everyone can join in. The more the merrier.
Oh dear. I'm all over the place with DSS! I finally found some banana leaves and will most likely make a dish with them this weekend!
Woohoo! LaDiva finally scored some leaves!
You know I was riding my bike around the neighborhood with my secaturs and would have to sneak a few, there are not a lot of banana trees on Miami Beach, if you can believe it! I got some frozen but would prefer fresh. I'll have to just knock on a door and see if they will kindly let a cook have a few leaves!
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