Finally it was here, an episode honoring the brave men and women who serve our country in the armed forces. It only took six seasons to get here. Half of me was happy that it was finally happening but half of me worried that the producers would twist the challenge into some sort of inedible disaster AND blame the chefs.
Good Sign No. 1 - Guest Judge Mark Peel

For those of you who don't remember, Mark was a contestant on Top Chef Masters. He thinks dealing with pressure and time restrictions is like this... lasers headed for your crotch. What's not to love? For the Quickfire he brought along an Iron Chef sized table of potatoes.

Seems simple, 45 minutes to rock a potato dish. No golden money chip up for grabs but immunity is still in play. What is not in play is Team Rainbow.

More like Team Dysfunction. What happened? The classic too many cooks in the kitchen and really no way to tell one boiling pot of water from another. My favorite part of this little mini drama? Imagining Preeti's punishment had it been Jennifer's boiling pot of water she had poached.

When in Vegas...
Now for all the Ashley drama she still popped up in the top 3 of the Quickfire with a decent gnocci dish using Hen of the Woods mushrooms and homemade ricotta. I have to give props to anyone who makes their own cheese for a 45 minute Quickfire.

But let's face it, Jennifer had them all beat with the trifecta of ingredients of butter, crème fraîche and duckfat. Bathe those luscious mussels in a three way use of potato sauce and the girl's back on top with the Quickfire win and immunity.

Immunity to Jennifer? It's nice but she still wants to be the winner. Always. Which apparently this does not sit well with this little piggy.

Don't mess with her, Mike, her knives are very, very sharp.
Next - a Ten HUT!
I really was amazed someone didn't take a fall or slice off a finger in that episode or suffer a boiling water dip.
First of all: YAY 'TATERS! Wish my Polish ass would have been able to try those dishes!
I too was impressed with Ashley and her home made ricotta. Those mussels rocked though, I could almost taste the dish through the screen!
Great graphics Sham! Esp. Pig-boy!
A great comp this week, nice to see some of the air men reunited and the ones on their way out getting something special.
It was a nice episode where the pressure and drama was in the kitchen. Where it should be.
bwahahahahah,you are on fire with the graphics, Pal.
Is it wrong that I was most captivated by the lasers-to-the-crotch photo? Like a scene from Princess Bride On Acid or something. I'm sure the food was to die for, blah blah blah. But I want to know what happened in The Laser Scene! Pout... (yeah I get you created it, so... hint hint... FINISH IT. He he)
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