Sauce Béarnaise - a reduction of clarified butter, egg yolks, chervil, shallots simmered in vinegar.

Sauce Velouté - stock thickened with a blond roux seasoned with salt and pepper.

Sauce Meunière - Brown butter mixed with parsley and lemon.

Sauce Américaine - Lobster stock with onions, tomatoes, white wine, brandy, salt, cayenne pepper and butter.

Sauce Au Poivre - Pan juices from the peppercorn covered meat cooked in butter, with cognac, stock, heavy cream, salt and pepper.

Sauce Chasseur - A compound brown sauce made with demi-glace, mushrooms, shallots, tomatoes, and white wine.

The challenge wasn't just about whether the chefs were familiar with these sauces and could reproduce them but it was also about the chefs putting their own personal stamp on their dish with these particular sauces and proteins. Never was the divide between the contenders and the kitchen fodder so clear as it was with this challenge.
Mike and Bryan had the trout and Béarnaise. How did Bryan make this his dish? The deconstruction of the sauce and the preparation of the trout. Mike? He executed the sauce but as it was presented on the show (always keeping editing tricks in the back of my mind) it sounded like Mike wanted to deconstruct the sauce and didn't know how and it was Bryan giving him a method of an egg less béarnaise that would work. I know early rounds of Top Chef have lots of team and pairs challenges but I can not wait until we get whittled down where that won't be necessary.
Working more as a team as opposed to one teammate carrying the other were Jen and Michael. They had the rabbit and the Chasseur sauce. The delicate rabbit looked like it was cooked to perfection and they seemed to have added a little Asian flavor to the dish by incorporating shiso and mustard noodle. I would have had a hard time picking between the two but it sounded like The Man Robuchon liked the trout just a little more than the rabbit.

As for the kitchen fodder? Ashley discovers she was paired up with a French bus driver.

You know, the French are so either/or for me. Hubert Keller, loaded with class. Juh tem. Tintin (ROLFL at the moniker), not so much. He can go home now.
What about Ripert? With that purdy mouth and blue, blue eyes? I hear all the girls think he's dreamy.
Haha! Le Tintin got what he deserved. It must have been sweet for Ashley to be on top and have Tintin (whom I thought he threw under the bus the week before) go home!
Magnifique! I was so not impressed with him (or his jaunty rouge scarf!)
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