The Quickfire. Who cares. For some reason the blind taste test has morphed into The Toughest Quickfire Ever. Uh, maybe for the chefs but for us it's the most boring TV ever. Watching people taste ingredients blindfolded is about as exciting as watching someone peel a potato. Wanna really ramp up the excitement? Have them compete against each other, blindfolded, in speed rounds. Anyhoo, they all tasted the same 20 items and no one got more than seven. While I couldn't track down the whole list here's some of the easier ingredients: peanut butter, corn, ketchup, maple syrup, mango and almonds.
Harold's got a point. If these Master Chefs were asked to taste the exact set of ingredients the Season One Chefs had to taste I think my girl Andrea Beaman still would have won. Thankfully it's over quickly and we move onto the elimination round. Here's where it starts to get good.
Do you know what Bravo named this episode? The Masters of Disaster. The guy in the middle? I'm a Top Chef junkie and I had to go look up his name because that's how memorable he was. So the challenge was to produce a buffet lunch for 200 by trying to mold these former contestants into a highly effecient team of sous chefs. If given a choice between herding cats or cooking with these chefs, we might have seen a lot of I Can Haz Cheezburger action last night. It gets better. The Master Chefs have to "interview" their potential sous chefs. How does each do this? Three write out a list of questions to ask each chef. One does not. One starts ordering his interviewees to cut up carrots.

All the little teams then go off and try and plan their buffet dishes. Up until now, we've seen the Master Chefs competing like good natured, comrades in arms. But it's the last round before the finals and it's now that we really get to see what these chefs are like back in their real lives. Who handles pressure well, who trusts their sous chefs. The masks that we've been seeing start to slip from their carefully crafted TV faces. What's also fascinating is that all these former contestants think they are the experts on Top Chef stategy.

Day Two rolls around and our teams are in the kitchen for their last two hours of cooking and prepping. But that would be too simple. Time for a twist. Now they must pack up everything they just started cooking and head out to serve somewhere else.

But Wait, There's MORE! The Masters must cut loose one sous chef from their team.
Keller, in a act of Karmic Justice, tosses the sticky Asshat. Oh yeah, loving the Keller. Service starts for the 200 seat filling free food loving diners. No other sous chef eruptions occur, at least not that we're shown.

The food. I could show you all the dishes but really it wasn't even close. Here's why, look at these pictures of Keller's dishes.

Anita Lo, on the other hand, got twisted right out of the kitchen. Not that I think she was too sad to be leaving. I think she's happiest in her own kitchen doing her own thing. I know the next time I'm in NY, Annisa will be on my list of places to try.
Wow. What an episode. You are right about the food not being very memorable, this episode was all about the drama!
I thought MChiarello acted like many typical chefs: arrogant. Working in myriad restaurants over the years, and experiencing first hand the HUGE ego of the cook, and after all that's what they are, La Diva STILL can't get over the self-importance of some chefs. blech. MC left a baaaaad taste in my mouth (starting with that stupid lemon in the maw trick!)
As for the little punk ass with the Napoleon complex, he should be ashamed. Picking a fight with a celebrity chef on national television in order to save your "pride" is not ever going to win you any respect. Wow. Incredibly unprofessional and all because MC called him "young man?" oooohhh, sooo sensitive! Guess we won't be seeing him again! (I couldn't remember anything about him before and now he'll be even less memorable: Oh yeah, he's the jackass that tried to start a fight with M. chiarello!)
Keller deserved to win, as per usual his food was so enticing to look at. I felt bad about Lo, I think it would be so tough to do these competitions and would think that their restaurants would be a completely different experience than shown on TCM.
I have to agree with you about Chef Michael. Which is ok, to think that there are no large egos out there crowding restaurant kitchens is naive. But I loved this episode because it showed us the different methods of each of these chefs. I thought Michael handled the issue a lot better than Dale did.
I also have to say I love Keller for the fact that if Rick hadn't picked Betty, he would have had an all female team. Just look at the work product he got out of those women (and Spike). It was just a great episode.
How cool was it that Fabio showed up with yet MORE awesome Fabio-isms? "Sweating like a goat at da beach-a!"
I'm pulling for Mssr. Keller all the way. Class act, no matter how you slice it.
I'm right there with you Moi, I get the feeling it's down to Keller and Bayless. Michael is good but I feel he's just a mistep away from blowing it. Keller just doesn't make mistakes.
Fabio รจ favoloso!!!!!! I wanna more a heem, heese so funneeee!
Bayless is my second choice. He's gracious, generous, talented, and cute as all get out. But my first pick is most definitely Keller.
Damn. Anita's gone. Pout. WHATEVAH.
Yep--more drama than food. Again, these people are exhaustin'! But, that IS a grand display from Keller.
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