Here we are, barely into Season 6, fresh off a Top Chef Masters high of respectful competition and we have our first Kerfuffle. It seems Michael Isabella found himself neck and neck cracking clams in the relay race with über competitive Jennifer Carroll. His thoughts on this embarrassing situation?

As you can imagine, this did not go over well with some of my blogging brothers and sisters. Dorothy Snarker over at
Dorothy Surrenders feels there's no place on TV for the pi...huh boy. Charlus over at
Amuse Biatch is having a veritable psychoanalytical field day with this little piggy. But is Michael a hog?

Or just your garden variety ham?

I'm voting for the latter. I have a feeling that grandma's little boy is going to be an asshat to every single person he encounters. Did you catch his "encouragement" to the teammate cleaning shrimp?

Nice. But here we are talking about him, his restaurant and all things assy about Michael. I think we're all forgetting who runs Top Chef. The folks who thought it was not good what happened to Marcel but not bad enough to jettison the finale (cha-ching). The folks who stunt cast a lesbian couple one season and brothers this season? Do I think he belongs on TV? I wish he wasn't there just like I wish that abomination Hell's Kitchen would finally die. But the season is in the can and for good or for bad but mostly for ratings he's here. I can only hope that what they are really doing is setting up the mother of all Battle of the Sexes between Michael and Jennifer because I think we have our most competitive female chef since Tiffany. And just like Tiffany, Jennifer looks like she'd cut a bitch to win. Let's hope she sharpens her knife for a big juicy slice of Isabella Ham.
I like him with the ears and the rump. Don't judge me. Ha! Wondered when you were going to weigh in on this one, Dorothy Snarker was PISSED. I, for one, think it's worth it (and I hasten to note that I only see the blog, not the show) just because I got to read the word "kerfuffle." Heeheeheeheehee. My inner seven year old loves that word.
Anyway, on your say I'm willing to give the guy credit for being an equal opportunity asshat. Perhaps I'll take him some three-bean salad one day.
"I can only hope that what they are really doing is setting up the mother of all Battle of the Sexes between Michael and Jennifer because I think we have our most competitive female chef since Tiffany."
I agree that it will be a fun battle, and I'll certainly be rooting for Jennifer, but I think Stephanie proved herself to be pretty competitive.
I don't disagree with you about Stephanie, one of my favorite chefs ever but I never got the impression that Stephanie would throw anyone under the bus to win. I think Tiff would and I have a feeling that Jennifer would too. That doesn't make Stephanie a lesser chef as those two other chefs, frankly in my eyes it makes her better. I'm just describing the roadkill I see plastered on the road ahead.
Roadkill should be a QuickFire Challenge. Just kidding.... I think...
Don't think they haven't considered it.
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