It seems like a lot of us got up on the pissy side of the bed for this episode. One woman I totally agree with and the other, not so much.
First we have Jennifer, who I am liking more and more each episode. I'm calling it right now, I think she's going to win. It All. I know there's some pretty strong male chefs but the minute you underestimate this woman, she will cut you off at the knees (and only at the knees if you're lucky). She called the BS for what it was for this episode. Men are no better cooks than women. French cooks are no better than American or Japanese cooks. Classically trained are no better than self taught. But since this is still Top Chef we still have to stir up the drama hornet's nest. While I believe Jennifer believes what she said about the "boy and girl challenge", let's not kid ourselves either, she was also pissed off being on the less experienced team of women. While she was going to be safe with her dish, she's that competitive that she always wants to lead the winning team. Not the whining team.
Which brings me to Ms. Ashley. Ashley's main beef was a rant on how if she can't get married then she doesn't want to deal with anyone else's nuptials. (If I may borrow Rachel Maddow's voice here for just a moment, What I think she meant to say is that she wants the right to have a marriage that recognized at the Federal level with all the rights and benefits that come with that recognition.) Ranting about that is fine, makes for fine, back at the living quarters banter. But here's the thing. You have to recognize the stage you're playing on. A Bravo reality show. A competitive food show. It's not a gay show like say, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. It's not a totally straight show since it often features gay and lesbian contestants and judges both in and out of the closet. The question is why in holy matrimonial hell did you sign up as a contestant for Top Chef when past seasons have done some sort of catering event for a happy couple about to get married? Hell they did Gail's bridal shower. If you felt that strongly, you wouldn't be here. And if you had actually done some homework you'd realize that Season One had a wedding.

A big gay wedding. Meet Scott and Scott, Top Chef Season One, Episode 8. Bitching about the 3 gay and lesbian chefs having to deal with a straight wedding is just as bad
as if one of Season One's chefs had decided they had religious objections to working Scott and Scott's wedding. You sign up for the show and agree to suffer whatever the Producers have in their big bag of tricks to throw at you. Live in cramped, suffocating quarters with people you may not like? Hope you like that. Work 12, 14, 16 hour days with no breaks and lousy food? Get ready. Maybe having a straight male chef hound dog you like Stefan did to Jamie last season? It could happen. All this and more is what you get when you sign your name to the contract in the hopes of winning fame and fortune. In the end, Ashley put away her objections and worked the gig. However I get the feeling that this won't be the last we hear of it. If she decides to take herself out of the competition for her political beliefs for an upcoming wedding challenge or the feed the military challenge, that's her right and I wish her well but I'm not of the opinion it would be the best use of the opportunity she's been given. And in case anyone wasn't aware, this blog is written by an out lesbian who would love nothing better to have the same rights and benefits that the institution of marriage allows straight people to enjoy. Or serve my country openly. I just don't think Top Chef is the best vehicle to achieve these goals. On the flip side, it does mean we'll never have to suffer through a season of Real Lesbian Housewives of Provincetown.
Season One! Basically what Daughter and I were yelling at the TV. Isn't that where the Top Chef Curse on desserts started with the cake mix and the egg shell?
I dunno. It's reality TV. It could be her, her political beliefs, etc. It could be she was coached to make a fuss. It sorta makes them look all progressive and shit to have a wedding and have The Token Lesbian Chef gripe about it. Makes me twitch a bit, but it IS, at the end of the day, reality TV. Which has nothing to do with reality. Perhaps they're setting her up for a coming series involving boxing with Sarah Palin or something. MakingSpace is BIG with ideas now that the cold has turned to fever. LOL I didn't see the episode, natch, and she may have been whining in the unseemly manner MakingSpace used all day today, preceding the onset of the fever. In which case, I'd kind of want to smack her, I know I wanted to smack myself. Argh. But mostly I'm thinking she should tell them to f&*k off with those challenges. I like the venue. At least as reported on this blog. Heh. Long story short the feverish MakingSpace disagrees with the non-feverish Big Shamu. There's a first time for everything.
Yes FP, the infamous egg shell in the cake. They stayed up all night and Tom said there was no reason. Stephen's exit for being more in the front of house than back.
MS, just how high is that fever?
LOL 101ish. You think when it comes down I'll think differently, then? I'll grant the possibility... He he
Thankfully, my sister and her wife and my beautiful little niece live in Conn. they seem to really have their s^&* together in that state. Unlike Florida. Sad, very sad.
Awww Dani. Good for them. Time to work on Florida.
I was prepared to dislike Jennifer with a white hot passion. Now, I think I love her. She simply MUST win this thing.
As for the protest, I agree. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big ol' outed Libertarian who believes EVERYBODY should get to register at Pottery Barn and gentrify their neighborhoods. But, please. Ashley didn't come off as a righteous poster child for da cause. She just came off as whiney. Hate that.
I think she will Moi, she was certainly smart enough to tell Ashley not to do a second dish, not that Ashely listened to her.
Whiney, huh? Ick. Maybe she was working up to a 101 fever like MS here. Ah well. I still think she may have been coached to whine for the follow-up series Boxing With Sarah Palin. MS loves her some classy TV.
I agree with Moi, she's whining. And, not to be mean, but she reminds me of a koala!
My mind is not made up yet about who is going to win.
And don't get me started about Flo-duh! I'm in Conservative-land where people actually say to me: "Can't "they" (gays/lesbians) see what's between their legs?!" I get tired of these sort of conversations where I get all heated up and defend my gay bros and sistahs. I never had to 'splain when I lived in Chicago, Detroit, Sydney or L.A. Sigh....Perhaps I was put here to show conservatives another side?
Love you more for it, Sham!
People with strong opinions, even those for causes I support, can be annoying if they don't time their protests properly. Can't you just cook your food for the CLIENT and then go home and express your personal beliefs? That's what I do.
I also maintain Bravo edits and possibly coaches almost all of their "reality" shows, but it's hard to fake "whiney".
p.s. nicely written.
Everyone raise their hands who would watch Real Lesbian Housewives of Provincetown?
Also raise your hand if you felt guilty for watching it?
I'm not fond of any of those "housewives" shows. I try to avoid vapid, self-serving and conceited people in the "real world" so to actually take the time out of my life to watch would be annoying and gives me no joy!
At least the vapid, self-serving and conceited people on Top Chef and Project Runway have a talent besides spending their husband's money and being bitchy!
But if I did, it would definitely be a guilty pleasure!
PS: I put something up just for you on my post!
Boxer, could I please freely use, market, and have on a t-shirt the expression "It's hard to fake whiney"? ROFL I love it. Now that my own whine has passed in favor of fever, that is. LOL
I'm in for Real Les, you know it and MakingSpace, you're very welcome. :-)
"Everyone raise their hands who would watch Real Lesbian Housewives of Provincetown?"
Raises hand.
"Also raise your hand if you felt guilty for watching it?"
Hell no.
Well...ya' knows Neanderthal Aunty's views on the question, so yore point on the proper arena is well made.
This whole drama thang is why I cain't git wif' Top Chef on a regular basis--too much personal angst an' not enough cooking.
DOes anybody else eveah git the feelin' that the BRAVO honchos is toying wif' us? Lookin' to see what the next new series might be --experimentin' wif the characters and format to see whar' an' how folks respond?
I has the odd idea that if youse a professional, act professional. Doan matter iffin' youse a pipefitter or a pastry chef--do yore job! We doan wanna know yore politics, we jes' want a chocolate hazelnut eclair!!
From Aunty Belle: "We doan wanna know yore politics, we jes' want a chocolate hazelnut eclair!!"
Off to the patisserie I go...!!
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