There is something soul satisfying to me about making pie. I know some folks feel the same way about baking bread but since I don't eat a lot of bread, the process isn't usually worth the effort. Pie has a payoff I've never found disappointing. Pie is so versatile that you can make a pie out of just about anything. Fruit, meat, vegetables, custard and even vinegar. For me, it's intensive and detailed. Crust made from scratch. Picking the best fruit, peeling and cutting that fruit. Seasoning, tasting and adjusting to just the right flavor combinations. Careful and watchful baking. It's detailed and time consuming but watching people enjoy a good slice of pie makes it all worth the time and effort.
The featured pie was a request by a good friend for her birthday. You gotta love somebody that when given the choice between store bought birthday cake and homemade chocolate pecan pie...asks for the pie. It's a fairly simple
recipe, Epicurious had one that looked good, the only change I made was to add a teaspoon of vanilla. I don't have any photos of a single slice since the pie is going to work tomorrow. Unless the aroma of fragrant nuts and luscious chocolate doesn't tempt me into cutting into it. We'll see how the rest of the day goes...
Turns out the rest of the day was spent making this luscious peach pie.

Still no slice picture...I could only hold out for so long. Sorry.
(not too sorry)
Looks delicious. I voted for Pecan Pie for "Official State Pie" but, alas, those KEY LIME freaks won the day.
I'm UP with a tangy yellow pie.
Wow - I loves me some pecan pie. I've never had it with chocolate. I guess I'm more of a traditionalist when it comes to pecan pie. And the crust is gorgeous. I wish I could make crust but, because of multiple failures and no patience, I've pretty much given up.
For my birthday, I always asked my mom for cheese cake instead of regular birthday cakes. She had an awesome recipe. It was time consuming and could block an artery - that's why she only made it once a year.
I actually made a pie today and it's up at the Buzzkill.
Happy DSS!
That pie looks divine! She's a lucky birthday girl for sure.
Happy DSS. I'm up over at my place.
My favorite pie hands down is pecan. Chocolate is lagniappe. And you're so right – it's pretty simple to make a good one. Which is both good and bad :o). I love what you did with the crust, too. Lucky Ducky Birthday Girl!
snort...key lime freaks. Too many lime growers in the state, not enough pecan growers Troll.
She is lucky that it was Pie weekend.
Somewhere along the line I bought a little set of tiny leaf shaped cookie cutters. Works great on pie crusts.
OMG the crust - I actually thought they were tiny pumpkins not leaves. Looks absolutely Delish ! No pie here at Black Street (sad face). I'm feeling a little sickly - and am trying to convince myself that it's not H1N1 - I "never" get sick and when I feel a little under the weather ... well Mama panics. Happy DSS.
Awww Susan, I hope it's not the flu, maybe just a little change of weather cold.
I'll tell you how it tastes tomorrow, the filling pre-baking tasted pretty good.
yummy. cant wait till tomorrow :-)
Yes, the Birthday Girl has much faith that the Pecan Pie will make it to work. Hhahahahahhahahahhah.
Those are both GORGEOUS!!!!!! I love the photo of the peach pie with the cutouts. Chocolate pecan pie seems like just a natural for a birthday. Congrats! Do you have a list of everyone who did the DSS this weekend? I'll post a comment again when I get a photo of some haupia pie, OK?
PEACH PIE!!! Damn, makes me wish I had a shrink ray so that I could squeeze myself into the package that is on it's way to your house.
Feel better Susan. :)
mmmmmmmmmm...Two pies. You just went crazy didn't you? The crust work on the peach looks even better than the pecan. I'm jealous.
Two pies?! Ya big show-off! haha! I love your attention to detail with the leaf cut-outs and all you make.
I love chocolate pecan pie and peach is one of my faves (and cherry!) Loves it with a big scoop of vanilla ice cream. And I like your idea of making one for work and birthday girl and one for you to eat at home! haha! My kind of gal!
It was only because I had the pre-made crust that I didn't make my own. Will attempt one of these days, how hard can it be?
Happy DSS!
Yes, it's true, I made one for work and one for home.
Dani if I could solve the conundrum of shipping pies without breakage I would send you one. Here's hoping I get back to Sanibel soon and you can witness the WHOLE process.
Buzz, so easy. Little cutout shapes. What does this really say? Shamy can't do a lattice work crust to save her life.
La Diva - crust is easy. Good flaky pie crust that holds up to the filling...not so easy. Floury mess to clean up...not so much fun.
Still worth it. Hmmmmmmm.
You know I've never made cherry pie what with peaches, apples and nuts being so much cheaper and having longer seasons. What's the best variety of cherry to use to make pie?
Well, Shamu, funny you should ask, being as I'm a Michigander and all....
Here are a few links about the cherries grown in Traverse City, Michigan aka "up nort!" Every year they hold the National Cherry Festival as Traverse City is the "cherry capital of the world!!!" (or so they say!)
Diva used to pick up cherry pies from the farm stands in Michigan....sigh.....memories!
I swear I'll get over my fear of driving past my three mile radius and come down there to spend time with you. :)
that chocolate pecan pie was sam fran tastic. Thanks for making it last all the way to monday! Birthday Girl
You're welcome Birthday Girl! Thanks for torturing everyone while we waited to cut into that bad boy. That was fun. Well, for me it was fun.
It's good to be the Boss.
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