Now before any Southern Belles get their knickers in a knot, let me explain. When one thinks of steak and Southern cuisine, what often comes to mind is this.
Country Fried Steak. After a night of heavy barley pop consumption, a big slab of tenderized chuck steak, breaded, fried, and slathered with cream gravy is just the ticket for many a vicious hangover. But healthy it most certainly is not. So while country fried steak is Southern, Virginia is attempting to cut some fat out of the Southern diet. Which is a good thing for all of us. That's not to say that I believe it's the size of a woman's heart that's more important than the size of her waistline but the point is taken that we have to keep that heart healthy and strong with better food choices. Goodbye country fried steak, hello grass fed, organic beef.
Now Virginia has her own Southern resources for beef that weren't available to me. But if it's one thing they love here in the Midwest it's a juicy hunk of flavorful beef so it's not like I have to go far. The local Whole Foods carries Panorama Meats, a great source for grass fed beef. One small boneless ribeye later and we're off to the races. Again, it's a really simple preparation. Dried porcini mushrooms and rosemary are pureed until finely ground. One side of the steak gets the porcini crust and then the steak is either grilled or seared in a little oil in your finely seasoned cast iron skillet until your steak reaches the temperature you most enjoy. (Please....if you enjoy your steak well done, don't tell the folks here in the will displease them....) That's it kids.
Now Virginia didn't mention any sides to go with this juicy steak and normally I would happily plop down a hot baked potato with an obscene dollop of real butter and maybe even some chopped bacon but in keeping in the spirit of healthier eating I went with a trio of roasted vegetables and fun white bean, tomato and sage recipe to round out my meal. Let me tell you, I felt a lot better after eating this meal than any of the planks of country fried steaks I've eaten. I'm fairly certain you won't need a defibrillator after this meal so you can thank Virginia for that.
Funny, I was thinking chicken fried steak too... your end product looked way more appetizing.
Whole Foods should hire you to promote that beef brand you linked to. That's some nice shootin', Shamy.
That's funny since I'm not particularly fond of shooting beef.
Well then never mind, just eat and enjoy, eh? If they wanted a good company/products photographer they could certainly do no better, this is what I'm sayin.
This may be featured on the Ponder Family Menu this week...
That beef looks mighty tempting! I'm intrigued by your white bean, tomato and sage dish too - any chance you'd share the recipe?
Happy heart-healthy Valentine's Day to you, Shamy.
Looks great! I was so excited yesterday to pick her book up at the library. I've been waiting a couple weeks for it.
I love me some rib-eye and that looks like heaven!
That is beautiful!
You got me twice on this one.
1. Fave hangover food - Chicken Fried Steak with gravy, eggs over easy, hashbrowns and a biscuit from The Big Biscuit on 40 highway. Fortunately for my heart AND my head, I rarely have a need for that. But, MY, it's good.
2. Called me out and I didn't even know it. I'm a RARE gal, and it DOES displease me when folks choose to enjoy their steaks well-done. And I don't know why?!?! What is wrong with me?
Thanks for the lovely recipe, pics and holding that mirror up to my face. ;-P
Melissa, I'm a rare to medium rare gal but I get that the Rare folks find the Shoe Leather folks a mysterious breed. What's the point of cooking a beautiful piece of meat until is a hard, dull lifeless hunk of gum putty?
Eggy, I didn't forget you, it's a recipe out of Cook's Illustrated and I'll see if I can rustle up a link online.
Well that didn't take long:
Now there's a dried bean version and canned bean version. Because I was short on time, I used the canned version but I really want to try the other because it sounds like it would have a lot more flavor.
The cowboy just fell over and I can't seem to revive him. First the bacon, now this. Shame Shammy Sham, Shame
Shame, Shame, Shame
your killin' us
xo Susan, Miss D & Doug (reluctantly)
Now this is hardly fair Susan, if you want to be mad at someone it should be Virginia, she's the one who wanted a Steak. Of course the man-ness in the Cowboy made him totally oblivious to the bean dish or the incredibly heart healthy roasted veggies as he stared longingly at that big hunk of manly red meat.
I take total responsibility for the Bacon.
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