I thought for sure for an All Stars Experience she would bring out the big guns in terms of over the top Padma Top Chef Collection. Really....not so much. So I decided to go back and look at her first season with Top Chef to get a sense of our first impressions of The Hostess that Eats the Mostest.
Looking back through most of Season Two, Padma more often than not looked like this...
...lots of vests, some with shirts underneath, some with not. But almost always with bare arms. That doesn't mean she didn't a little wild and crazy.
That is one shiny skirt (and I had to include Tom for the most ridiculous pose ever, frankly I'm shocked the Sears Catalog didn't sue for copy right infringement) and man did she take some heat for that beach ensemble. So what do you think of her Season Two collection?
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
I had missed the beach shot from Season 2. But now I have it forever....
I'll have to check out some more to see what I can find.
Those beach shots are delish.
The back shot, well just thanks.
ratz! Why do they not do a new episode or, at least, not announce it and apologize!!!
We watched the make up artist reality show on SyFy - modeled on Top Chef. Should have looked to see if the Magical Elves house was the production team. They have their own version of Padma and a very knowledgeable set of judges.
I'm with MS on that back shot.
It's pretty amazing when one woman's back is more beautiful than 99 women's fronts.
Froggy, I saw that. I'm guessing you didn't watch Top Shot on the History Channel.
No, never heard of Top Shot and we've got that channel on our top 9. Am going to go look it up now.
ah ha! The Engineer would love this! Isn't it amazing what they feature in shows now. Like the guys who go around and buy up abandoned storage units and pawn shops.
Froggy I actually watched Top Shot and respected the emphasis they placed on safety measures they all practice for using a firearm. I'm pretty sure we'll be seeing a second season of that.
Pawn Stars has the benefit of the family running the pawn shop is actually funny. Yes, there's some pretty obvious staging but I'm pretty sure Chumley is that clueless. I don't know how much interest there is for the storage unit shows. I know it feeds on the buried treasure/what's in Capone's vault sort of thing but the people the show follows are obnoxious. I have enough obnoxious people in my life as it is.
Um, excuse me people, can we get back to Padma's back here? Taps foot impatiently...
I'm sorry I thought you had downloaded the photo, enlarged it and made it into a poster that hangs in your kitchen for...inspiration.
Well not yet but hang on a sec...
I love the trashy denim look. HOT.
Tom's pose is freaking hilarious.
It's so wonderful of Shamy to create such a place for all of us. *snicker*
It's so wonderful of Shamy to create such a place for all of us PERVERTS. *snicker*
There, I fixed it. :)
Thank you Syd.
Syd, Tom is absolutely hilarious in that shot. It's as if he got interupted by Padma of his version of I'm a Little Teapot. That denim look was one she wore for a challenge at a fire station. As I remember she was VERY popular with the fireman.
Dani, I do what I can to make you all happy, short of becoming the All Padma All the Time Blog.
Speaking of which did you see she pimping directly to the peoples on HSN (I think)?
I'm not sure that drooling over a beautiful woman's back (and front) makes us perverts.
Oh. Wait.
never mind.
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