There is no doubt about it. I had a miserable holiday season. I usually try to drive home to Virginia to see my parents but the massive East Coast snow storm put a kibosh on those plans. Not only was I home alone, I came down with the office crud. Stuffy nose, scratchy throat, deep hacking cough. I would not be eating my mother's wonderful standing prime rib roast with Yorkshire pudding and I wouldn't even be treating myself to some fun holiday food. I could neither taste nor smell anything. I certainly lived up to my crabby nature but my two furry housemates apparently didn't notice a thing.
That's not to say there weren't bright spots. I did get some gifts courtesy of the US Postal system.

This is a hand stitched hand-towel. Kanigirl is one of my online monikers. My good friend Moi over at the blog
Bite the Apple hopefully did not go blind cross stitching this. You see, when I cook, I don't use any special chef's jacket or shoes. However I do usually loop a dishtowel into a belt loop of my jeans. Usually it's some ratty old hand-towel that I can't even remember where it came from. It's like a part of me, so much so that when I'm at work, I find my hand reaching for my right hand belt loop to wipe off my wet hand at a hand-towel that isn't there. Of course, I don't want to actually use it. I mean, I get pretty messy when I cook. It's so pretty I want to frame it next to the beautiful hand stitched work done by yet another blogger. But for the purposes of this blog post, I did put it in it's rightful place.

Certainly made me smile during the cold holiday season. Thanks so much Moi for this beautiful gift. The US Postal system didn't stop there, oh no, my holiday card inspirations safely made it to the dark, basement blogging central compound.

Thanks Dani and Boxer for the beautiful ornaments that brought in some much needed sparkle into a dismal holiday season.