You're here for the photo above. How do I know this? Well...for one this is still America, home of the Free, land of the Hotties and the men who love to oogle them. Also there's my Blogger stat page which tells me the post this picture was featured in is kicking all the other post's ass in terms of pageviews. But my favorite method of gauging what's hot and what's not is my stat counter. Let's just say Casey is an international sensation. But is she a Domestic Threat?
Perhaps only to domestic productivity. Or?? Could the Department of Homeland Security be looking for a new spokesperson for Cybersecurity? What ever the reason, I'm sure Casey would bring much needed attention to our domestic security needs. God Bless America!!
Holy Spatula!
I'm telling you, she's off the charts.
[grin] That will be all. Thanks.
I think Homeland Security is a pretty boring job. Those guys have to do something for entertainment.
Them Texas fillies.
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