Monday, September 26, 2011

Figgy Piggy Cornish Hens

Still had some figs left.


And some bacon and garlic. Add one Cornish Hen and a recipe from Epicurious....

bacon garlic pan

...and you've got Figgy Piggy Cornish Hens. Even better, Virginia Willis' Rice Pilaf to sop up the juice from the hen and figs. Be my good dog Jackson.

figs andcornish hens1


Dani said...

We need Jackson pictures.

the dogs' mother said...

I can almost smell that!!!

Big Shamu said...

Soon Dani.

Froggy, it was SOOOO good.

MakingSpace said...

Now I really want to try figs. That looks like comfort food gone elegant.

moi said...

If I had to pick a favorite fruit, it just might be the fig. My father lived next door to a tree that overhung his yard and produced glorious fruit every year. He was allowed to pick all he wanted and of course shared with me. Then his neighbor died and the kids cut the tree to the ground. I cried. My in-laws also have a heavily-producing tree, but have yet to figure out how to ship the lil' suckers to me without them going compost overnight. Again, I cried.
At least I get the jam . . .