The Fall of Seth all starts innocently enough with the rather disgusting practice of Seth shaving in the kitchen sink. Two observations.

Could those shorts be any bigger on him and damn, what's up with the pink kitchen? Apparently Seth is finding any way possible to grind away at the other contestants attempts at camaraderie and cohesion. Meanwhile upstairs...

Malika is having her own doubts about staying in the competition (more than likely caused by the brightness of her pillowcase keeping her awake at night) and really missing her kids. Who knew making desserts was so stressful. It's OK, really, because there's a softball Quickfire Challenge coming up.

Time to Pimp Some Product. Today's pimpage? Breyers Ice Cream with the lovely Gale Gand as Guest Judge.

It's simple, bling up an ice cream sundae. That's all. Well...except for Seth. Despite the presence of a huge table of....
ice cream, Seth wants to know if he can make his own ice cream. Gail Simmons firmly answers no and somehow resists the urge to throw a carton of Breyers at Seth. The twitchfest begins.

Seth starts muttering something about weak sauce and seems to be unable to JUST STAND STILL. Suddenly we're cutting to the stew room. What? Stew room? Don't be fooled, the chefs spend a lot of time there especially when everything has to be set up and the rules of the challenge have to be reviewed.

It's here that Seth gets into some kind of argument with the Producer with No Name about cupcake liners. Yes, you read that right, cupcake liners. Seth's persecution complex has exploded to the point of demanding his passport (according to Zac). Now at this point, one has to wonder, what kind of detention camp do these reality shows run if they demand your passport upon entry into the competition? After much yelling and drama Seth leaves the Stew Room to go have his panic attack in private.

Because let's face it, having a fainting spell/panic attack in front a group of people you've done everything possible to alienate is not the best plan of attack. Then again it will also get you kicked off the show. A little note to future contestants of Just Desserts and Top Chef. It's a very fine line between being the annoying chef dedicated to grating on your fellow chefs nerves as a method to win the game and being a total prick that the producers can't wait to get rid of. Seth crossed the line, never to return. I'm not sure he could even handle a reunion show. How will this affect the rest of the chefs?

Zac, Yigit and Erika look like they are taking it in stride. Morgan looks like he's wondering who he can manly bond with now. The ice cream challenge goes on with Morgan winning it but Zac coming in a close second with a panko fried ice cream. Having actually fried ice cream before I'm thinking Zac should have won it. But really, with Seth's departure, didn't we all win?
OMG I was totally thinking about the reunion show issue. How the hell could they let him back????
I love the last screen capture, they look positively giddy. Morgan can bond with the butter. Or Danielle.
Pass the fried ice cream!!!!
Hmmmm fried ice cream.
It is my understanding that the auf-ed contestants go to a Stew House or apartment. Did they send Seth to the auf-ed or did they bundle him on a plane and warn the crew?
I'm of two minds wondering what happened to Seth after the producers whisked him away. Laura K's podcast exit interview with Malika (who eliminated herself) on sounded like Malika never saw Seth again in Sequesterville. Then again, there was that phrase Seth used on air - and you know those Bravo monkeys are up to something when they choose what leave in vs. leave on the cutting room floor, that said "at this point" he wasn't cleared to continue . . .
I gotta hurry up and watch it!
Perhaps Froggy, they gave him back his passport to the Land of Oz. It's the only place I know of where his career might have a chance.
Dani, classic man cracks up on camera.
Once I saw Seth's big shiny shorts and giant-ass upper back tattoo, that was it for me. He finalized himself in my mind not only as a mush-mouthed cry baby, but also just downright gross.
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