The LA Times is celebrating their 128th year anniversary and are throwing themselves a little party. Probably because you never know when another newspaper will bite the dust and end up in that big recycling bin in the sky so might as well party now. The chefs can use any flavor they like but the end result of the dish must appear black and white. I really like this challenge. It pushes the better chefs into some interesting directions and weeds out the chefs who don't really conform to the challenge or those who just run off the tracks all together.
Although I don't really understand what Morgan is trying to accomplish with this maneuver? Prep is done and now it's time to set up at the party.

It's at this point that Remaining Heather discovers that she's missing rice krispy treats. Of course, just like pea puree, she immediately suspects Morgan. Which we all get to hear about. A LOT.

Remaining Heather no longer, now she is Whiny Heather and her mission on Just Desserts is to find a way to eliminate Morgan. What she needs to do is concentrate on her desserts. Because she's letting some color bleed out on her plate.

In bit of twistiness the judges call in Whiny Heather, Danielle and Erika to Judges Table first leaving the four guys to start dripping copious amounts of loser sweat in the stew room. What the guys don't know is that it's the ladies who have to face the fire of failed dishes.

Zac's deep fried Whoopie Pie. Deep Fried, need I say more?
Morgan's Blocks and Columns, a very clever take on a newspaper dessert.
Eric's beautiful and delicious Mississippi Mud Cake.

Erika has to pack up her pastry bag and move on. I know I'm sad but as it gets closer to the finale, the decisions are going to be harder and harder. Even more exciting? Just Dessert's version of Restaurant Wars. Don't look for the same old same old.
I know, I was sad to see Erika go too.
And I still feel as if I'm experiencing some sort of Major Moral Failing that I find Morgan's desserts consistently impressive.
Nice b/w twistie there, Shamy.
This show is FUN.
I'm with you, Shamy, in so many ways. Sorry to see Erika go. Was really rooting for Eric - happy to see how thrilled the self-proclaimed baker was for getting some praise for his plating. As an architect's daughter (and former editor), I couldn't help but love the look of Morgan's construction.
And I'm totally with you that JD's version of RW is bound to have some surprises in store (as is the finale).
(P.S., you experiencing any blogger glitches tonight? My posts are suddenly looking "miniaturized" to me. Hope it's just temporary.)
Uh, Eggy I've started using the smaller version of photos for the Top Chef posts.
I'm glad you did the pics in Black and White because I think that's the only way any of these desserts met the requirements of the challenge. I was really dissappointed that there were browns and reds and the cheftestants weren't taken to task by the judges for it. I thought black and white means BLACK AND WHITE.
All I can say is that Erika's ice cream must have been dog-crap horrible for her to go home over Danielle's unimaginative Keebler Cookie entry. Just saying...
Word Verification: (just kidding - it's a nun with a spear through her head)
Ugh. Still haven't watched it yet. Today was early release for the kids, so no tv for me until later on.
Snort...Dani you make them sound like little prisoners.
What Buzz said. Erika was one of the folks I was pulling for so I was sorry to see her go.
Much as I hate to say it, though, Morgan did another bang up job.
I still don't get how Morgan's cake, after two soakings with some sort of syrupy liquid still ended up being dry.
I really liked Erika and would have much preferred to see Whiny Heather leave. I too like the deviousness of the twist, make 'em squirm, says I!
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