What's absolutely fascinating are some of the things that were voiced, at least on the previews. One opinion voiced by more than one chef is that they are tired of being asked about certain things, which...is not unexpected. I'm pretty sure Tiff and Dave are sick to death of their catch phrase. Casey would surely like to forget what she said to a blogger, thinking it was off the record, about her experience helping Carla in the finals of Season 5 only to have it blow up online. Marcel is still a bit prickly (or a bit of a prick, take your pick) about the madness that was his season. But the one thing every single one of these chefs needs to remember is that without Top Chef, a show every single one of them chose to be on, no matter what the consequences were to their careers, without being on Top Chef, chances are none of them would have the national recognition that they have today. We wouldn't know their names, we wouldn't know what kind of influences have shaped their cooking, we wouldn't seek out their restaurants to plunk down our hard earned money and enjoy a meal. As Tiff once said, Top Chef puts butts in the seats. So tune in tomorrow and revel in juicy bitchiness and grown out hair styles because I doubt there will be much discussion about actual food. Unless they've figured out a great way to serve a succulent Roast Rack of Bitch.

Who knew the food world was so gossipy and dramatic? I thought it was the singers who had all the drama. LOL
I think you'd be surprised just how bitchy and dramatic it actually is.
Was this already on?
Nope, on tonight. No Vegas episode tonight, just the All Bitch Reunion dinner.
Again, Bravo has no concept of schedule. Game 6 of the World Series is on tonight, so that's where I'll be. I still haven't seen the last 2 episodes because Bravo has also broken the practice of rerunning the crap out of the episodes. I'll catch up one of these days.
My brother is a chef, and I wrote about food for years. You'da thought I was writing about opera, the number of prima donnas I ran into. Still, that job is both an art and a tough-as-hell craft and they deserve their egos.
Hmmm, actually Buzz, I'm thankful for Bravo because not everyone watches sports with the zeal and enthusiasm that you do.
Thank you Bravo. Let's hope we never have to steroid check the chefs.
Not to mention the physical demands and non-existent health-care.
well i have eaten at richard blais'es restaurant "flip" a gourmet burger joint. its a lot like the milk bar in clockwork orange decor wise. food is good. there is a pate milkshake. i didnt have that.
missed the show tonight! thanks for the recap
Pate milkshake?!...that made me gag!!!
lurved wotsa heesa name, ah Faaa-bee-o tellin' everyone to shaddya face!
Not all chefs have talent but that doesn't mean they don't work hard. EVERYONE does at the restaurant.
As for the low pay and no bennies, DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY IN THIS COUNTRY! How it got to be that I show up for work, have to stick my t*ts in a man's shirt and tie and then have someone else decide on what I should get paid gets my blood boiling! But, I digress....
I thought this episode was boring actually.
Wait....were we talking about tits? Did I nod off?
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