Saturday, January 9, 2010

Snowmageddon 2009 or Would You Like Fries with that Order of Rage

Not sure if you've seen this little gem of Burger Rage that happened here in Kansas City. Two days after Christmas a patron of the Midtown McDonald's decided that the food was not to her liking and found some interesting ways to show her displeasure. Now the video has gone national and she's on the run with the police following her greasy trail...which in the unplowed city streets should be fairly easy. People, if you're going to lose your mind over the quality of your food can you at least make it worth your while to get arrested? Perhaps something a little further up the food chain, like a Red Lobster or an Outback?


Making Space said...

No way! She's on the lam? Oy.

moi said...

I'm lovin' it.

Jenny said...

dang it, Moi stole my line.


Making Space said...