First there was this...
...instead of this.

That's right, back in Season Three, our Miami chefs had $10 and 10 minutes to spend here in their aisle while our Master chefs have $20 and 30 minutes to crank out something from their luxurious Whole Foods aisle. I'm fairly certain there's no aisle like this in Whole Foods.
Which means there was absolutely no chance of seeing anything remotely like this...
...which really is a crying shame. The Hung Diorama was classic TV. Ah well.
The chefs wander up and down their aisles, looking appropriately confuzzled. Jonathan Waxman even goes so far to announce his reluctance to use Things in Jars and Cans which means he's screwed if he gets that category in Jeopardy.
Back in the Kitchen, we meet Peter, Becky and Dave, comfortably ensconced in the Banquette of Scrutiny. Apparently none of them is important enough to warrant mentioning their last names. All you need to know is that they work at Whole Foods. Touching all the cans and jars Jonathan won't.
I never understood why we don't see more use of pressure cookers in regular Top Chef. I don't know if the pressure cookers weren't available in the equipment room or if the younger chefs don't know how to use them but when you've only got 30 minutes to cook something, it would make sense to at least try using them.
Of course it helps if you've got a youngster there to help with that darned technology.
Jonathan's Mint, Lentil, Red Pepper Salad
Art's Multi-Grain Rissotto with Crispy Rice Salad
Michael's Chocolate Parfait with Ginger Sauterne Syrup & Sesame Crackers.

I have to say Roy's dish was the most interesting to me. It helps that I like fried eggs. I really liked that oven baked cheese crisp he made to compliment his pasta sauce. It's amazing how much alike Art's and Jonathan's dishes turned out from two different aisles. The judging for this Quickfire was really close.
Michael takes the coveted 5 stars but he was right, he was lucky to have chocolate in his aisle.
Next for our Elimination Round, the Master Chefs break out their pastel shirts and hit the Blue Shag carpet of Kelly's Place.

Next for our Elimination Round, the Master Chefs break out their pastel shirts and hit the Blue Shag carpet of Kelly's Place.

No jars and cans? ROFL
None of that looked good to me. Someone should have tried the jars and cans. Tsk.
I don't know, looked like some good vegetarian choices.
I wish chefs wouldn't make those little shapes out of chocolate mousse (I know there's a technical word for it, I just can't bring it to the top of my brain). They always end up looking turdy.
Quenelle. Yes, that is what it looked like.
I'm with Moi on the chocolate quenelles. It really doesn't look appetizing and should not have gotten the coveted 5 stars.
That said I liked this challenge. You're right in that the Masters got off easy on the shopping. Their dishes were much more composed the the regular cheftestants. And I had forgotten all about Hung's sur-cereal diarama nightmare - until now. Lucy in the sky with diamonds...
Buzz I think the five stars had a lot more to do with it being a tasty dessert AFTER eating pasta with fried egg and two grainy dishes. It's kinda like Season One Dave's mac & cheese with truffle, the judges had just eaten 3 other dishes of heavy lamb so something so different stuck out in their judging heads.
I'm so confused, Le Shamu. This episode has not played on Bravo yet? I have the new episodes set to record and on Wed. it did not indicate a new episode but two past, the "box" and "miniatures." When did this play? Am I missing something? (like half my brain?!)
Box played this past Wednesday (22nd) and Miniatures played the 15th.
Quenelle. Yes, thank you. I kept thinking Querelle, but that's a Fassbinder film. Not the same. Except Querelle was pretty poopy, too.
ditto Moi--gag, the shape of the thang puts me off.
An WHO shops at that other place? Really now--who?
Aunty, you can't judge grocery stores by where I shop since I'd love to have a Piggly Wiggly in my area JUST so I could say "I went whole hog at the Pig today". Not only do I love the name but I love when folks with the deepest of southern accents use the name in a conversation. There's no way Piggly Wiggly would ever work in New Hampshire.
Vive la différence
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