It's finally time to say to goodbye to our little brightly colored gobs of sugar. I know I'm excited. If you didn't get a chance to visit all our participants in the Peep Rush of 2010 here's what you missed.Pam over at Pamokc started us off on the right foot with her discovery of a very creative artist who calls herself Lipgloss Crisis. Peeps as bodice seems to work but she just might have an issue with titscrepency.
Dani of Gardening under the Florida Sun fame, shows us her Peeps and I'm not talking The Girlz in party hats and proving the marketers wrong once again that people do like eating blue foods. Actually Dani's tri-colored cupcakes makes her concoctions the Rainbow Warrior Peeps of the Dim Sum.
MS at Making Space has Quiche Eating Peeps. I actually speechless and just a little bit scared at the possible deeper psychological meaning of this photo. Moving on....
Chickory broke out her hot glue gun and varnish (there's something you don't hear too often said about Dim Sum Sunday dishes) for her Peep creation. This wreath will outlive us all. Magnificent.
As in all things in life, there are triumphs and there are tragedies. Buzz at Buzzkill had a will...just not a way to bring his Hidden Peep, Crouching Disaster to triumph. Peeps were harmed...
Anonymous Boxer stayed true to her boxing roots and gave us Pugilistic Peeps. There are many things about this that Amaze me, the least of which was that Boxer could resist eating the Red Vines long enough to get the picture. Vodka was harmed in the making of this...
MS, apparently still riding the Sugar High Pony, busted out a second Peeps creation. I'm not sure what sort of Peeps they sell in MS's world but when you start imaging mini marshmallows as some sort of Alien Peep eggs perhaps it's not Ripley you should be calling but the Peeps Hotline to talk your ass down. Game over man, game over!
La Diva at LaDiva Cucina gave us not one, not two, not even three Peep preparations but seven!! I bounce wildly between Deconstructed Peep, so reminiscent of Hung's cereal aisle diorama and the PLT, if only because the those little Peeps have to watch their own demise up close and personal.
Either way they were all outstanding.
Apparently this photo has caused some consternation among the Peep Nation. Since I tend to work under the modified theory of "You Keep What You Kill" or the Karmic Kitchen version, "You Eat What You Make" let me assure you, I did indeed try the Peep sushi. Once that decision was made there were either one of two photos showing up here, the half bite above or the spit out gob. Amazingly enough the caviar canceled out the sugar of the Peep. It's a sick sick world I live in. Still if you need further guidance in Peep Cooking, this flowchart should help.
If you're leery of messing with Peeps at all, this video won't help.
This was probably the most entertaining DSS to date. When you first said "Peeps" I really had no idea where this was going. And I still don't, so many different directions - from clothing to dioramas to melt downs to de-construction. Nice job being the Mother of All Peeps. I wonder how many of us will become diabetic in the next week?
Well done, all! And the video is a great capper, Shamy. You know, I fully expected someone to nuke a Peep in the microwave, given all the recent talk about blowing up food . . . Now, perhaps, we can lay the Peep hauntings to rest :)
I'm so glad my entry was worthy of mention! And I wish I had been creative enough to think of it in the first place! However, did you declare an outright winner? If not, let me place my vote for either "Boxer" or "Deconstructed Peep". They both made me laugh out loud.
Hmmm, every time I try to comment on one of these Peeps posts, I get STYMIED.
Love this fitting (fitted bodice yum) end to a beautiful Peep DSS Season.
People I have no idea what's up with Blogger and comments. NO IDEA! All I can say is Don't Give Up.
(MS, call the Peeps Hot Line - STAT)
No, I know it's Blogger, not you, oh mighty orca. I just want to make sure my Peepness is heard. So I persist. LOL
I don't think I have time to call the Peeps hotline. I'm dreaming up all manner of edible shirts now. Spam anyone?
Somewhere out there in the big ole universe is one pissed off Peep Momma.
this is HIL.ARI.OUS.
People, y'all is jes' zany!
This was probably the most entertaining DSS to date. When you first said "Peeps" I really had no idea where this was going. And I still don't, so many different directions - from clothing to dioramas to melt downs to de-construction. Nice job being the Mother of All Peeps. I wonder how many of us will become diabetic in the next week?
I have my cat's insulin, so I'm good to go.
It was my first DSS and I loved it. My comment got eaten yeserday, but the fact that you ate your sushi peep was VERY impressive.
I'm already planning next year. BTW, I save my little boxer Peeps and they are hard as a rock right now. Hmmmmmmm. Tasty.
Well done, all! And the video is a great capper, Shamy. You know, I fully expected someone to nuke a Peep in the microwave, given all the recent talk about blowing up food . . . Now, perhaps, we can lay the Peep hauntings to rest :)
I'm so glad my entry was worthy of mention! And I wish I had been creative enough to think of it in the first place! However, did you declare an outright winner? If not, let me place my vote for either "Boxer" or "Deconstructed Peep". They both made me laugh out loud.
"titscrepency" *snicker*
(I've been having trouble leaving comments on other blogspot blogs so it's not YOU it's them!)
Great DSS Shamy, thanks for the idea nd hosting! I had NO IDEA that peeple did this crazy stuff! It was fun!
Love 'em all and love the video at the end!~
"Yes, I swallowed..."
Oh no she di-int!
why? this is debaucherous! a crime against the peeps... we will be alerting the masses!
behold the peeps, they're earthlings too!
Alert all you want but come Easter, Peeps will be consumed. Bahahahhahahahhahahahhahah!
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