Cooking commences and everyone seems calm. In another of his oh so witty asides, Mike I claims that he'll cook anything, like for instance, dogs.

Service seems to run smoothly, no major disasters unless you count Tom playing straight man for some cock jokes.
Off to Judge's Table where the top three are:
Eli's Confit of Eggplant, Lentils, Garlic Puree and Radish Salad

Having exhausted cock jokes...
...Natalie moves to pot jokes.
No surprise there, Padma enjoying a good pot joke.

All three dishes are well received despite Mike's sacrilege of putting banana in polenta but it's Kevin again with the win with his much more substantial and not very pretty Smoked Kale dish. For winning yet again, Kevin's prize is suite of GE appliances like they've been using in the Top Chef kitchen. I just have to point out that he's just won a prize of equal worth for a 10th episode Elim Challenge win that Season One's Harold won as part of his Season winning Top Chef prize. If you don't think Season One contestants got hosed in the prize/money category, I have some chefs that would like to talk to you. It's not only the past chefs who are singing the I Got Hosed Blues.
My goodness, someone's got his big pouty face on. I guess all that Restaurant Wars praise went straight to his head. What he doesn't realize is that Kevin is kicking his ass if you add up wins. Kevin has 4 Elimination wins and 3 Quickfires to Michael's 1 Quickfire and 2 Elims. While Michael stews in a corner, Jen, Robin and Mike I face the judges for having the losing dishes.
Robin's Stuffed Squash Blossom, Beet Carpaccio, Fresh Garbanzo Beans and Chermoula
Mike's Whole Roasted (I'm pretty sure these were boiled) Leeks with Onion Jus, Baby Carrot Puree, and Fingerling Potato
Jen's Charred Baby Eggplant, Braised Fennel, Tomatoes and Verjus Nage
Although I am detecting a strong aroma of crazy.
LOOK, Tom smells it too! Of course Mike just can't comprehend his dish being worse than Robin's dish. Of course the way she rambled and rattled on was very much like her plate, a lot of stuff that didn't connect the dots. Padma then questions Jen on her use of time and how it was reflected in her dish. Tom calls it almost a garnish. Now, I have to point out the silliness of this criticism because look at the top dishes and tell me how Eli and Michael's dishes are so much more substantial than Jen's dish? Now look at Bryan's dish.
Other than she was shaky serving her sauce, I don't hear if the dish tasted bad or not? Still she doesn't help herself with her non-defense of her dish. This kind of attitude pisses the judges off just as much as Gail pointing out Mike's belief that his dish won't send him home.
Oh so wrong Mike. Please do not pass go and head straight for the Condo of Shame where you belong. Karma says she hopes you enjoyed her little visit to your dreams of Top Chefdom.

Mike's defense of his dish is....well...really no defense at all.

So the pig in a diaper guy is going home?
All those dishes looked - weird... but then I make biscuits out of a can so take that for what it's worth...
You're totally cribbing from Dorothy Snarker again. Well done though the last couple of days she's been makin' e snore. Tsk.
I mean to say: Well done - the last couple of days she's been makin' me snore. Perhaps I am snoring as I type this very post.
Natalie Portman *sigh*.....be still my heart.
I think Dorothy is on a well deserved vacation. Plus once the lesbians are gone, Top Chef just isn't the same for her.
Hmmmm, Natalie.
Natalie's cute, but come on ladies, seriously? More than a day and that Hollyweird control over every last little thing that she forks into her mouth would get awfully trying.
I bet I could get her to eat.
Well, you do have amazing powers of redirection of the brain away from shiny objects at Nordstrom's, so maybe, just maybe, you could turn a fussy celebretard into a foodie.
Hey . . . I think I smell a reality television show. "Flip that Celebrity!" Bwhahahahahahahaha!
Oh dear! My apologies for the use of the word "cribbing." I know you find your own sources and cite as any professional photographer would. I saw the photo on DS and also here and my cyber-mouth moved before my brain engaged.
This may have been because of the effect the photo had on me... but that's not an excuse. So sorry!
She doesn't have to eat, just stand there and look pretty. ;)
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