While we're talking pie, you know the TV Cooking Mavens have gone mad with TV Power don't you? How else to explain this much meringue...
Martha Stewart's Mile High Lemon Pie
... or the madness that is Paula Deen's apple monstrosity. (Must be 18 or over to make.)
Paula Deen's Savannah High Apple Pie

... or the madness that is Paula Deen's apple monstrosity. (Must be 18 or over to make.)

Now you can go crazy like Martha or Paula or you can exercise some restraint but either way come back Sunday and have a slice. (We won't tell your cardiologist.)
OMG I am soooooo tempted! After Buzzy, Diva, Moi, and several others urged me to jump in I really wanted to - but this is orchestra weekend. Jez I'd so like to do this anyway. Must contemplate. May provide a compare and contrast of jello pie and a frozen Claim Jumper blackberry pie. Buzzy said it didn't have to be something fresh-made, lalalalalala!
All I can say about Paula Dean's pie is "what the hell". I know high pie is good, but there is such a thing as too high. And I imediately thought of this picture:
I'll have to check the schedule for this weekend but I may be able to put something together. Pie is one odf my favorite food groups.
MS, give into your temptations. Already intrigued by Claim Jumper blackberry pie. It's true, you can do a restaurant review of pies you enjoy.
Buzz, not sure what the link is to but I think it got cut off. I'll take your word for it that it's hideous. I'm not a big fan of Paula and there's no way I'd ever make that pie. It just doesn't look appetizing. I do have to agree that pie is one of my favs too. Made from scratch, they're a lot of work but so worth it.
Ummm....okay, that is really nasty.
Shamy, I need help! Every time I try and make a frittata(we have too many damn eggs!)the bottoms come out very rubbery brown. Is my pan too hot? Not enough liquid? Crappy ass cook?
Are you starting it on the stove and finishing it in the oven?
Great idea Shamu! I think pie making is becoming a lost art in this country! Lately I've been having sweet cravings for cherry pie!
I hate making dough though. ANd yes, LARD is the key ingredient for extra flaky crust. I have a pre-made pie crust in the fridge aching to be used and if I can kick this infection, I'm in. Hey, if I'm feeling better, I might even attempt my own dough!
PS: That Paula Deen monstrosity is disgusting. When I see stuff like that, it makes me embarrassed to be an American. Betcha the French would never serve anything like that...
That Paula Deen dump pie is just wrong in so many ways.
Yeah, it's just the bottom that's getting icky.
Dani, I make fritatta all the time and in fact am making it as an app for a concierge event on tues. Do what Sham says, cook it initially on top of the stove until almost cooked through and then finish it in the oven. I do it at 450 until the top is a bit brown.
I've spent most of my adult life trying to perfect two things: a mile high meringue that retains taste and texture (got it) and a perfect, flaky pie crust (not quite yet). Lard produces the flake, butter the taste. What to do, what to do.
I've seen a combo of lard AND butter.
So Moi, I can put you down in the "Enjoys Tall Meringue Pie" camp?
As for crusts I tend to go with butter. Haven't tried the lard. I've found good results with Rose Levy Beranbaum's Pie and Pastry Bible. She has a long chapter on the very methods of crusts and her experiments with each method.
I do have to admit that I collect pie recipes. Not the basic ones but wonderful and different regional pies. Like Vinegar Pie and Tomato Pie. That's why I'm hoping Making Space chimes in, what's Hawaii's pie? (could be SPAM)
You should post some of those recipes. They sound neat.
Oh thank you for thinking of a Hawaii pie! I may, because of my busy weekend, actually buy a good one from a local bakery and tell about it. It's a pie called Sweet Potato Haupia pie. It's a pudding-type pie with a bottom crust, then purple sweet potato pie (think orange sweet potato pie, but use purple sweet potatoes, I have never seen them on the mainland but they are delish), then on top of that haupia, which is a Hawaiian coconut pudding.
It's insanely good. I've actually never made one, because the local bakeries all have their own versions and vie for top honors. It's a very rich, dense pie, eaten cold.
Yum. I will try to get one and photograph it. If I'm a bit late and don't do it over the weekend, someone go over to my blog and give me a poke, okay? I'm seriously buried in orchestra stuff this weekend, and as a soprano that's not a happy space for me. See the twitch I have just over my left eye? Yeah.
See, that's what I'm talking about. That Hawaiian pie sounds fascinating and I'd never heard of it. I will be Poking Duty this weekend.
She said "Doody" - Bwahahaha
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