Both my appetite and Dim Sum Sundays. What's Dim Sum Sunday? A foodie free for all, open to everyone. We announce a Theme or Ingredient here on this blog. Then on your blog, you make a dish using the theme or the ingredient, take pictures (or a video), post it on your blog, come back here and share so we can all kick ourselves for not making what you made.
For our first Dim Sum Sunday (Jan. 17th) we'll be visiting the Theme of Snowdays.

Do you have a special, warm the kids up after an afternoon of sledding hot chocolate? Do you heed the call of a huge bubbling soup pot? Have you ever made snow cream? Show us. And then...

...please send this guy to my house to help me dig out.
The snow monkey shall now haunt my dreams for weeks. Thankyouverymuch.
And, I'm IN.
Woohoo for DSS! I've missed the cookin' fun.
When we last checked the radar last night you were only six degrees. CCCCCCCOOOOOOLLLLLLDDDDD!
Hope you're feeling better this week. :)
Awww, that snow monkey is cute. Can't wait to see what you have planned MS.
Dani, my fingers are itching to get back into the kitchen and YES I AM feeling better, thank you. Oh so cold, more snow coming today. Let's hope we're not doing a whole month of Snow Dim Sum Sundays.
How funny my two Sunshine State Kitchen Pals are up for the Snow Day Theme.
Glad you're feeling better. I might have something for this challenge. I will consult the monsters and see what I should cook up.
Thanks Buzz for the well wishes.
The Monsters are usually pretty good for a Dim Sum. Do you guys have a monster sledding hill?
Yeah, there's a couple of hills behind the house. They got 2 days of sledding before the big rains came (2") and took all of the snow.
Booo rain. We're getting dumped on again right now. Even though the Snow Day Dim Sum is not this Sunday I'll bet I'll STILL have plenty when it's time.
YES! I am so ready for this one. Glad you are feeling better. Have you dug into your cheese yet?
can I take that cute little bottle off the dog's neck before I send him out to help you?
Video? Hmmmmmmmm......
Glad you're better. There's nothing sadder than a Shamy who can't cook.
oh dear heavens! Youse been under the weather literally and metaphorically. I'se sorry fer yore ails, mercy!
Hope thangs stay healthy fer ya...an that the thaw is sooner not later.
I ain't done a DSS--reckon I might give it a whirl!
Yay! Sham's appetite and DSS is BA-ACK! Since it's been the coldest in a decade here in Miami, I've been making nice and cozy, comfy dishes all week. I have some ideas for a post....I might be posting early though cuz on Sunday, I have a big audition for.....Chef Ramsay! (argh!) For amateur cooks only who want to become Masterchefs! Sure the heck would beat me paying thousands to go to Johnson and Wales!
Anyway, La Diva will be "IN" if not a bit early. BTW, we often "do the snow monkey", sitting in our hot tub in the middle of winter, blissed-out while the wind blows around us. Shame our hot tub is broken this winter! BOO!
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