The great Charley Harper. His artwork is amazing and beautiful. With a few simple shapes and color he immediately captures the nature of a sparrow. He never shied away from life's brutal nature as illustrated in his portrayal of an owl at night from the perspective of the about to be dinner mouse or the incredibly sad statement he reveals in Backhoeasaurus. So when I saw the metal spiral spine in the pile of books at the estate sale I was rummaging through, I held my breath.
Really? I had it in my hands? In great condition for being fifty three years old, sitting there just waiting for Karma to steer me towards this little tucked away condo?
Even better? It was half priced day at the estate sale. My discovery cost me exactly one dollar. BWHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH.
These are just a few of the fantastic illustrations. There are some food photos. They are classic mid-century food presentation style images. Elaborate table settings with brass candle sticks, copper salt and pepper shakers and visually busy tablecloths. But it's one of the few cookbooks I didn't buy for the photos. If you'd like to see more of the artwork of Charley Harper, check out Charley Harper Prints.
How very kewl! I like the pheasant recipe - have the hunter pluck, draw, clean and cut up the pheasant. (Grandfather the fisherman was also grandfather the pheasant hunter.) Thanks for the link.
I always love your stories about your old days as a props mistress, and how that has influenced your eye and your arts and implements collections.
The artwork seems truly original, and I wonder what it is about his style that appeals so strongly.
And such a find!!! Karmic Kitchen, indeed!
Charley Harper! He was from my city - and an illustrator, nature lover, and designer extraordinare. My dad was a friend and fan and has a few of Charley's prints. Alas, I think us kids have given our parents all the stylized Charley Harper Christmas ornaments he designed before he died. Charley's son is, however, carrying on the tradition.
Shamy, you not only found yourself a bargain, you found a treasure!
You might be interested in this mosaic of Charley Harper's:
Eggy that's so amazing!!! Love these connections...
If there's a drawing that you really love from the cookbook make a copy and I can stitch it up for you. School will be starting soon so I'll need something to do while I wait in the car line.
Froggy,gamebirds still plentiful so keep that recipe handy.
MS, if you look at more of his work, he has a fascinating sense of humor to his work. Like a single blackberry surrounded by a herd of bears.
Froggy, more Charley Harper books and magazines out there so I'll still stay on the hunt.
Dani, funny that you mention that. When I was google-trolling for images I discovered that Charley's images are VERY popular with the stitching crowd. Most likely the simplicity of shapes and color. Will look through and decide but it's not going to be easy to pick out a favorite.
WOW !! what a find - I love the funky scripty menu type as well. Gorgeous, simple illustrations & oh my Toby the red dog ...
I just bookmarked you and put you in my rss feed! YOu are a hoot!
Linda, I'm pretty sure "hoot" is one of the kinder things I've been called but welcome and welcome to all the furry creatures on your big farm.
Captain Obvious says:
Captain Obvious has had several large Charlie Harper wildlife posters in his living room for years.
Big Shamu is very envious of Captain Obvious and his Charley Harper posters.
Captain Obvious says:
Charley Harper...that's what CO meant :)
Captain Obvious has not had much sleep lately.
Because of that, Captain Obvious almost said:
'Captain Obvious has had several large Charlie Harper TGI Friday's quickfire wildlife posters in his living room for years.'
CO missed the 'ie' in the edit.
Captain Obvious also likes this original Ford Times Charley Harper cover that is up on the wall. CO also got that for $1 :)
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