She's here for intricate sugar work, not to listen to a bunch of excuses or whining or whatever you think is pretty. She'll tell you if it's pretty or not. You know why? Because bitch can do this!

(Do those shoes go with that bag?)

What is Shinmin looking for? A heightened sense of sophistication and creativity. Intricate details and showcasing your sugar pulling skills. Right off the bat chefs without those skills start reverting to what they know best and ignoring the challenge set before them. No more immunity for the Elimination challenge but to sweeten the pot there is $5000. Not to mention a whole 3 hours to create their bouquets.

Zac appears to be doing something with a big chocolate letter C?

Morgan is hitting both his chocolate skills with the shiny dark chocolate that he used before in his little black dress and pulled sugar with an intricate ribbon bow. However it is his stint at the heat booth that gets him in trouble when he hits Yigit's pulled sugar vases and destroys one of them.
Which really sucks because I get the impression that this was a time consuming process for Yigit. Did Morgan do it on purpose? Only Morgan can say and really, is there a penalty for accidentally destroying another contestant's work? Again, don't know but I'd like to give Morgan the benefit of the doubt....except it's Morgan, biggest jerk left in the game. So no, sorry Morgan, acting like a jerk 95% of the time will only get the general belief that you broke that vase on purpose. The flip side is that it's entirely possible that the vases would have never worked due to their extremely fragile nature. I'm just sad we never get to see Yigit present his original vision.

Zac goes old school Crack with this Disco Flowers arrangement.
Danielle and her not so pretty lime and orange zest roses.
Eric's squatty Giant Cupcake.
Yigit and his 13 minute, on the fly bouquet. Uh, damn. Nice recovery from the Morgan disaster.
Morgan's arrangement with bow.
Morgan and Yigit take the top two spots with Morgan easily taking the win and the money.

Which is all well and good but I'd love for Morgan to deal with a disaster and still present a winning piece in 13 minutes and be as magnanimous as Yigit for not outwardly blaming another contestant for possible sabotage of his work. (coughcoughlemonscoughcough)

Tomorrow? Let's pretend Celebritards are more important than 99.9% of the rest of your life.

Zac appears to be doing something with a big chocolate letter C?

Danielle does a lot of candied orange peels and marshmallow flowers and neglects to finish the backside of her arrangement.

Eric decides to make....a giant cupcake.
It better be the best looking giant cupcake ever because flavors don't mean diddly squat for this challenge.
It better be the best looking giant cupcake ever because flavors don't mean diddly squat for this challenge.

Zac goes old school Crack with this Disco Flowers arrangement.

Those are your bottom three contenders and really no surprise there. Seems like folks just getting through the challenge.

Morgan and Yigit take the top two spots with Morgan easily taking the win and the money.

Which is all well and good but I'd love for Morgan to deal with a disaster and still present a winning piece in 13 minutes and be as magnanimous as Yigit for not outwardly blaming another contestant for possible sabotage of his work. (coughcoughlemonscoughcough)

Tomorrow? Let's pretend Celebritards are more important than 99.9% of the rest of your life.
Go Yigit!
I don't think Morgan intentionally did anything, but I do think he's pretty self-absorbed, which translates into not watching where he's going, etc. etc.
I haven't decided yet whether to start the Zac Fanclub or the Yigit Fanclub. Right now they're even.
I'm goin' with the Yigit fanclub.
I agree with Making Space's assessment that Morgan is just self centered and preoccupied. He's also a big guy, so put all those together and you get a bull in a china shop. Oh, and you need to do a blog post on the Many Faces of Danielle. The girl is like a cartoon character.
Moi, you don't even know. I'm going to have to get a separate hard drive to contain the many faces of Danielle.
Woot! I'm all for a DanielleFace post or three!!!
Dude . . . I have just two words: Animated GIF.
LOL to the many faces of Danielle. She kinda reminds me of Olive Oyl.
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