During this holiday season, we wish all our readers many things. Good health, happiness and baconny joy. But we also wish you A Safe Kitchen. We wish you this because Cooking is the number one cause of residential structure fires.

Cook's Illustrated, my favorite culinary magazine still in business, has a fantastic and detailed
article reviewing kitchen fire extinguishers. I already had a smaller fire extinguisher but decided add their recommended brand to my culinary arsenal.

So while you're busy checking your roast or turkey, while the pots and pans are merrily bubbling on the stove top, take just a minute to remind yourself where your kitchen fire extinguisher is, read over the instructions, and generally familiarize yourself with how it works. If you don't have a fire extinguisher then immediately get in the car, go to one of those big box hardware stores, pick out the Kidde Kitchen Fire Extinguisher and buy it. They're cheap, $20 which is cheaper than rebuilding your house because your flambé efforts went horribly wrong.

We wish you a full and Happy Holiday.
You're so right and my kitchen even has one (it was a gift.)
Got mine under the sink. You just never know....
Happy Holidays! xoxo
See, this is why I love you guys, you're SMART women. Of course, Boxer doesn't really cook and I don't think her oven works...
Under the kitchen sink here too. Given my cooking skills, Flambeed Dinner is a real possibility just about any time.
Well, I DON'T have mine and I realized that I did have one but must have left it back in West Hollywood! The bigger danger to me is what OTHER people are cooking and doing in their units. We almost lost everything two years ago when one dolt put a drill on a hot burner on the stove and forgot about it!! WTF? Almost burned the whole building down and the idiot was on our floor, the whole floor smelled of smoke and luckily we saw no damage. It's frustrating to know you could lose everything because of someone else's neglect. I'll be getting one soon, Sham, thanks for the timely reminder!
Dang Diva, that is scary. Get thee to a Big Box Hardware store PRONTO!
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