I could totally feel my shoulders relax. Top Chef was back and we have the adults playing the game. It's about the food and it's about maintaining a reputation. It's also about bragging rights. But still throwing those Top Chef twists at chefs who more than likely thought it was easy doing what Hung, Stephanie and Harold did. Eh, maybe not so much right about now.

Still I couldn't help but think of another show after seeing this:

and immediately think of this:

What I really don't want to think about are the numerous health department violations possible as a result of even having an ounce of food whiffed in the dorm shower of my college days. No thank you Ma'am.
yeah, that totally grossed me out: TMI!! Everyone said it was "brilliant" and I'm gagging on my couch!
I loved how the chefs all had a sense of camaraderie as they were competing for the charities and not money to start their own business. Could it be boring in the future to not have that ultra competitiveness? That Keller is one amazing chef!
Oh I think you'll see some incredibly competitive people in future shows. I also think you'll see some whiny folks when it comes to reaction to the judges criticisms. However I doubt you'll see this level of chef being made to wait in the stew room for hours on end with nothing to do.
My college son got a big kick out of the shower scene. There is a reason the boys wear flip flops in the shower!
That's funny Froggy considering Keller punted somone off his life for not having the appropriate footwear in Season One. I'm pretty sure he was not wearing flip flops in his food prep/shower stall.
But hey, new marketing opportunities.
I also noticed that the chefs had lotsa bottles of booze to help them wait for the judges' verdict. The reg. contestants didn't get that at all!
I have a friend that was on Top Chef Miami and she said that they would wait for hours in that room. And sometimes the tapings would go well into the night.
I'm pretty sure the regulars get beer. Getting them all liquored up is important to the developement to the DRAMA.
I loved that season, can you say which chef?
No doubt about it, Herbert pulled a Kramer. Yuckee. And the hostess? Please don't try to tell me that lil' gal actually EATS. The producers need to replace her with a healthy ass lookin' gal, not someone who looks like she sucks TABB out of a straw for her sustenance.
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